JWA Systems |
Development and consulting |
"Channel" is the channel on which the sampler triggers (0-7).
"Divisor" changes the samplerate. Timing is referenced to the
maximum attainable samplerate with your hardware, usually around 1 us.
In that case a divisor of 10 means a samplerate of approx. 100KHz. (1
us = 1Mhz, divided by 10 yields 10 us = 100KHz)
A calibration is performed at startup to determine this period, and all
times shown are referenced to it.
After pressing start, "Delay" is the time the sample function waits for the signal to remain unchanged before triggering.
"Input Port" is the address of your printer port.
Granularity tells you how much time a sample represents.
Some marker functionality has been added. Left button clicks set Mark1, right button clicks set Mark2. The "Stats" button creates a file "stats.txt" with for each channel the number of signal changes between the markers.
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